

Task Groups

See video overview (opens in a new tab) of task groups and how to add a task group

Definition and Purpose of Task Groups

  • Task groups are pseudo provider staff accounts that can be enabled to share a task box among multiple individuals.
  • Task groups in Carbon EHR allow for efficient task assignment based on shifts or roles at specific locations.
  • By utilizing task groups, tasks can be managed effectively without the need to assign them to individual providers.

Setting Up Task Groups

  • Navigate to Settings, then Staff, search for the Pseudo Provider
  • Toggle on (green) the setting "Is this account a pseudo provider?" to display the pseudo provider in the task groups section.
  • Toggle off this setting if you do not want the staff account or pseudo provider to be displayed as a task group.

Overview of Tasks Tab

See video overview (opens in a new tab) of the Tasks tab

Task View and Filtering:

  • Default view shows tasks assigned to the logged-in user.
  • Dropdown options to view tasks assigned to different categories (no one, anyone, specific individuals).
  • Task groups (or task boxes) can also be viewed.

Task Types:

  • Understand different task types like chart review, chart sign-off, lab result review, radiology result review, referral appointment request, and RX refill request.
  • Know that some tasks are auto-created while others can be manually selected during task creation.
  • Chart Sign Off
    • Auto assigned to the selected Billing Provider of the encounter once the chart is completed and Clinician Sign Off has not been completed
  • Chart Review
    • Auto assigned to the selected Supervising Provider of the encounter that was selected for chart review

Managing Tasks

  • Incomplete and completed tasks can be viewed.
  • Bulk actions available for incomplete tasks (assign, mark as done) and completed tasks (mark as incomplete).
  • Task details include creation time, patient details, category, and completion status.

Task Details

  • Clicking on a task opens the patient's chart.
  • Ability to assign tasks, mark as done, set due dates, and update task descriptions.
  • Activity log tracks edits and updates to tasks.

Creating Tasks

  • Three ways to create tasks: from the tasks tab, within a patient's chart, or from messages.
  • Task creation involves selecting task type, adding descriptions, assigning to specific groups or individuals, and setting due dates.
  • Patient selection varies based on where the task is created (tasks tab, patient chart, or messages).